TOURNAMENT #151918 - Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare XB1
1. 10 minutes
2. Players can attempt to agree to a map if not play Skydock
3. Dog Tags: Disabled
4. Spawn Protection Timer: Disabled

General Settings:

CODCaster: Enabled


Max Health: Normal
Health Regeneration: Normal


Spectating: Team Only
3rd Person Spectating: Disabled
Killcam: Enabled
Radar Always On: No
Respawn Delay: Mode Specific
Wave Spawn Delay: None
Force Respawn: Enabled
Friendly Fire: Disabled
Team Kill Punish Limit: 2 Kills


Hardcore Mode: Disabled
Tactical Rules: Disabled
CWL Tuning: Disabled
Headshots Only: Disabled
Cranked Timer: Disabled
Double Jump: Enabled
Wallrun: Enabled
Allow Payloads: Enabled
Payload Charge Rate: Normal
Payload Score Modifier: Normal
Perks: Enabled
Scorestreaks: Enabled
Persistent Streaks: Disabled

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